There is a site that accepts an Army pre-1980 GT score of 136 as evidence for an IQ in the top 2% of IQ,starting at 130 or higher. My 1962 GT was 140; IF the factor 136/130 is valid, a divisor of ...
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William James Sidis had the highest ever known IQ estimated at between 250 and 300.The recorded highest IQ was Marilyn vos Savant's 228 IQ.
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What is th highest IQ ever recorded? American Michael Kearney IQ = 325 (at age 4). The more detailed and accurate answer is German polymath Johann von Goethe IQ = 210, the ceiling IQ according to ...
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The highest IQ ever recorded is estimated to be around 228, achieved by Marilyn vos Savant, an American author and columnist known for her high IQ scores. However, it's important to note that IQ ...
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Highest IQ is steve nash Lowest IQ is javelle mcghee What is the highest-ever recorded IQ? Marilyn VosSavant has an IQ of 228, which is the highest recorded IQ in history.
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The highest IQ isn't 160, Kim Ung-Yong is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records under"Highest IQ"; the book estimated his IQ at about 210. What is the highest IQ possible?
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An IQ of 193 places a person is the super genius catagory. Smartest Woman: The highest recorded IQ Score for a living female goes to Marilyn Vos Savant. She is reported to have an IQ Score of 186.
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What is the highest level for an IQ score? Stephen Hawking is said to have the highest IQ at 209. Although, he says that only losers brag about their IQ, and he's a genius so I'd take his opinion ...
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IQ remains constant with age. A 13 year old kid will be compaired against his peers. The maximum recorded ratio IQ till date is 228. From what I know, 16/13 X IQ should give you a rough estimate ...
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Highest IQ is steve nash Lowest IQ is javelle mcghee What is the highest-ever recorded IQ? Marilyn VosSavant has an IQ of 228, which is the highest recorded IQ in history.
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